

Clearwater County encompasses 7,217.41 sq mile or 18,691.65 sq. kilometers of beautiful prairie and mountainous land in west central Alberta.


The topography of the County can be described as Boreal Forest with the eastern section going to Parkland and western section to mountainous terrain, dispersed with numerous creeks, rivers and lakes with associated wetland areas.

Winter climate can vary from extreme cold to Chinooks, with average seasonal temperatures of -20 Β°C. Summer brings an average temperature of 20Β° C. Spring and fall bring a variety of weather conditions, ranging from snow flurries to above average seasonal highs.


According to the 2021 Statistics Canada Census, the population of Clearwater County is 11,865.

Labour Force Profile, Economic Base Analysis, Target Sector Profile, Community Profile, Investor Profile

Clearwater County has created reports containing information about the labour force and current economic sectors, as well as the industries that would fit in well with existing resources.

Demographic and Business Climate Information




Clearwater County's Economic Development Officer: