Current Opportunities

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2022 open houses and online/paper survey. To view the past public engagement opportunities, click here.

At their May 9, 2023 regular Council meeting, Administration will present draft Bylaw No. 1132/22 Municipal Development Plan (MDP) to Clearwater County Council for discussion and consideration of second reading.

The draft MDP has been updated since first reading (Dec. 20, 2022) to incorporate feedback received at the February 21, 2023 public hearing at the Lou Soppit Community Centre.

Council will meet at 9:00 am on Tuesday May 9, 2023.
Stay tuned for more updates on the County’s website and official social media pages @clearwatercnty

Summary of What We Heard Report

The What We Heard Report outlines public engagement initiatives that were executed between 2020 and 2022, summarizes themes of concern and topics of interest relating to MDP policy; and clearly illustrates the influence that public engagement feedback had on the drafting of this plan to date. While this report communicates “what we heard”, it also provides conclusions based on feedback, demonstrating “what we did” with the information received. Project participants are encouraged to review this document to better understand the role their voices played in the overall process. 

The MDP review and revisions have been made possible only by the extensive participation of all project stakeholders – Clearwater County and the project team wishes to thank all those involved for their time and effort provided.

What We Heard Report (Nov 2022)